What are Corns and Calluses?
Corns and calluses are both formed by hyperkeratosis. This term simply means a thickening of the skin. These can form on many of the superficial surfaces of the body (most commonly on the feet!) for a variety of reasons. Typically, corns are sore and painful due to the friction that is occurring at the site, which is also their cause. Calluses are also caused by a thickening of the skin, but are more often associated with the excess synthesis of skin at a site as a protective mechanism. For example, many people develop calluses on their hands due to repetitive work like gardening. Calluses are also formed at areas of abnormal bony synthesis like bones spurs.
Why should you be concerned about a Corn or Callus?
Hyperkeratosis certainly isn’t a reason to visit the emergency room. However, it is an important concern because it means that excessive use, and abnormal friction is occurring at that localized area of epidermis (most outer layer of skin). This is not only a cosmetic issue, but is often times painful and debilitating depending on severity. More importantly than the buildup of skin itself though, is the actual cause of the localized hyperkeratosis. This excess production of localized dermis is generally due to things such as poor fitting shoes, abnormalities of the toes, like hammertoes, unusual bony prominences such as bunions, and abnormalities of an individual's gait. All of these conditions are great reasons to setup an appointment with Dr. Michael Garvin! His goal is to empathetically alleviate his patient’s foot ailments with as minimally invasive procedures as possible.
To make an appointment, simply call one of his offices, both located in Port St. Lucie, Florida; the East office- 772-335-7171, & the West office-772-871-6020, or e-mail him at info@doctorgarvin.com . http://doctorgarvin.com/contact.html