Thursday, September 27, 2012

Why You Shouldn't Buy Drugstore Orthotics

The human foot is one of the most beautifully engineered vehicles that exists. On an average day each one might endure between 8,000-10,000 steps; each one placing 1.5 times your bodyweight of force on it. Despite these amazing statistics, if we care for them, they can last a lifetime. However, this brings up an important point; care. It only makes sense that proper attention and maintenance be given to such an important part of our body since its responsible for our transportation. To podiatrists dismay, many Americans don’t view their feet from such a perspective. Let’s take for example orthotics. They are a mainstay of conservative treatment for everything from plantar fasciitis to congenital anomalies yet it’s often considered normal to pick up a non-customized pair from the drugstore. This may seem cost effective and efficient but if people understood the gravity behind such a casual decision they’d reconsider this choice. Feet are like snowflakes, there isn’t a single pair out there that is exactly alike. It would only make sense that to receive the greatest benefit from a device such as an orthotic it be totally customized to the exact shape of both your left and right foot. If you told your neighbor you had a hard time seeing due to buying non-prescription glasses from the local pharmacy they’d look at you incredulously. Immediately following with the question of why you wouldn’t see an optometrist to receive a pair designed to correct your unique impairment. Orthotics are very much the same. They must be customized and designed exactly for each of your unique feet to truly get any benefit from them.

If you’re suffering from any sort of pain, or are simply looking for a means of better support during athletics, or long stints on your feet consider a pair of fully customized orthotics. Podiatrists like Dr. Michael Garvin of Port Saint Lucie, Florida have the ability and skill to take the most accurate impressions of your feet possible, and have orthotics made from them. There is a reason orthotics have been a method of treatment for foot pain and support for over 50 years.

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